Monday, 29 September 2014

515. May's Soul [NEW]

Hair : tram  A817 hair / shell&creamyellow - By moca loup
Headband : loveme. bubibu headbend / Cloud - By Callia Pearl
Tee Shirt : mimpi* Loose Tee + Hud to change the textures (Free) - By pique crystal
Skirt : mimpi* fuwa mini-skirt + Hud to change the textures (Free) - By pique crystal
Tights : Freebie - >M3L< Sun Flower - By LovePsalm
Sneakers : ALB SOL - DENNIS outfit birthday 2014 Group Gift - By analee balut
nordari. / my sad friend, the cloud - By jordan giant
tms cat sleeping _gray & white (Past Hunt H&GH 28) - By Lavinia Godenot
*May's Soul* The Mystery Cauldron "Mouse troupe "- mouse loves cheese (wear) RARE NEW Gacha - By May Tolsen
*May's Soul* The Mystery Cauldron "Mouse troupe " - Mr. Mouse (wear) RARE NEW Gacha - By May Tolsen
*May's Soul* The Mystery Cauldron "Mouse troupe " - mouse circus RARE NEW Gacha - By May Tolsen